1·He may be tempted by a career in politics but he would have to cut down on the colourful language.
2·A poke, a prod, a wince and some colourful language (mine not his) and appendicitis is the chief suspect.
3·Prof Linzey and his co-editor Professor Priscilla Cohn, of Penn State University in the US, also hope to see some of the more colourful terms in the English language stamped out.
4·Imagery is a type of language that both authors and poets use to make their writing colourful.
5·Well, there are many other food related words that are brand new to the English language, and can be very colourful and creative additions to your conversational English.
6·They will take the reader on a lively and colourful journey through popular idioms and phrases which are used everyday in the English Language.